Archive | December, 2014

Helping You Regain Your Beauty Through a Facelift

Despite the hundreds of people who have searched for some sort of “fountain of youth,” aging is a natural phenomenon which can’t be stopped. As your body ages and is exposed to harsh environments, it starts to lose its original shape and beauty. Even though there are many preventive measures you can take, once age […]

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Otoplasty: What are its Benefits?

Ears are a huge part of someone’s appearance. Think of people like President Barack Obama: their facial structure is defined primarily by their ears. Even beautiful eyes, a well-contoured face, and full cheeks can be overlooked by disproportionally-sized or disfigured ears. When they’re well-proportioned or covered by hair, we don’t think about ears in relation […]

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Mommy Makeover- How to Get the Best Results?

Giving birth is one of the happiest moments of woman’s life. However, a mother only succeeds in bringing a new life into this world at the cost of a lot of pain and at the cost of completely losing her body shape. If you have recently given birth then there are two major impacts which […]

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Dermal Fillers- Are They Really Effective?

Aging is a natural process and there is no power in the world which can stop your body from aging. The face bears the brunt of the aging signs with wrinkles and fine lines affecting the beauty of your smile and your facial appearance. While there is no way you can reverse the process of […]

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