What is a tummy tuck?
Try as you may, there is still no way to get rid of the flabby abdominal skin even after religiously following your diet and exercise regimen. Loose skin in the lower abdomen is usually a result of the stretching of the skin during pregnancy or excessive weight gain. Once the weight is gone, you are left to deal with the loose skin in the abdomen that can only be removed through a tummy tuck.
Dr. Alan Serure from Miami can improve the contours of your abdomen and remove the flabbiness and excess skin through a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. A tummy tuck in our office in Miami can help you achieve a flatter and leaner abdominal contour and help you achieve the hour glass figure that you so miss. Tummy tuck is a proven safe and effective method and has been used widely for improving the contours of the abdomen.
Who are the patients in Miami who will benefit from a tummy tuck?
A tummy tuck is perfect for patients in Miami who have had several pregnancies. A tummy tuck will help restore the contours of their abdomen before they started having kids. It will help tighten the muscles of their abdomen muscles and remove the excess skin. A tummy tuck is also a good option to consider for men and women who have lost massive amounts of weight and are suffering from excess skin and fat deposits in the abdomen area.
A tummy tuck can only be performed on patients who are healthy and fit. This is not recommended for patients who are still considering having children in the future because this will further stretch the skin and another tummy tuck will be needed to restore the streamlined appearance of the abdomen. A tummy tuck is not an alternative to weight loss. We still recommend to patients who are looking into losing more weight that a healthy diet and regular exercise is still best to achieve their desired weight.
What is a tummy tuck procedure like for patients in Miami?
Our office offers two types of tummy tucks in Miami, a complete abdominoplasty and a partial or mini abdominoplasty. A complete abdominoplasty in our office in Miami involves an incision running along from one hipbone to the other. The skin, tissues, and underlying muscles will be contoured as needed. Partial or mini abdominoplasty is often performed for patients with excess skin only in the area below the navel. This is a shorter surgery and does not require the removal and repositioning of the navel.
All of Dr. Serure’s patients in Miami are provided pre-surgical instructions to help them prepare for the procedure. A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure done under general anesthesia and can be performed once Dr. Alan Serure determines that you are a suitable candidate with a clean bill of health.
Once the anesthesia has taken effect, an incision is made on the lower portion of the abdomen, just above the pubic area of the patient. From the incision, your doctor will remove the excess skin and fat tissues in the area and repair the underlying abdominal muscles. These will be tightened and sutured together to produce a leaner abdominal contour. The skin will be pulled and the excess will be cut off and removed. Your navel will be repositioned and a new opening will be made. The incision lines will be closed with sutures and drains will be placed to prevent the accumulation of the fluid in the area.
Patients in Miami can immediately appreciate the results of a tummy tuck right after the procedure. You will be asked to come back for a follow up visit in our office in Miami a week after the tummy tuck for post-operative exams and for the removal of the dressings and wound drainage. Patients in Miami will be advised to wear compression garments for a period of 10 weeks to help maintain the results.
In just two weeks after their tummy tuck, patients in Miami are well enough to resume work but they are advised to regulate their activities to make sure that their wounds heal properly. You have to limit or as much as possible avoid strenuous activities for at least 6 weeks after the procedure to avoid any complications. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will help you maintain the results of a tummy tuck so that you can enjoy your slimmer abdominal contour for a long time.
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