Archive | Fat Transfer

Two for One: How to Make a Fat Transfer Work for You

Commonly used in the plastic surgery world, fat transferring or fat grafting is almost like you are fixing two parts of your body in one go. Essentially, it is taking fat from one part of your body and placing it in another. So, for example, you will get bigger breasts and smaller hips! What’s not […]

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Can Fat Transfer Surgery Help You Get the Body You Want?

If you have irregular curves, sunken cheeks, or really any body part that you want to change, come talk to Dr. Serure about a fat transfer procedure. Similar to liposuction or fillers, it is a more permanent solution and is also sometimes known as fat grafting. What Happens During the Surgery? If you know what […]

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Quick Facts on Fat Transfer

When we age, our skin loses volume and effects of the aging process begin to show. Patients who want to plump different parts of the body such as the face and buttocks can undergo a procedure that is quick and relatively hypoallergenic. Fat transfer in Miami is commonly done in the plastic surgery practice of […]

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