How Long Do Injectable Fillers Last

Injectable fillers have become a very popular option for women wishing to give their face a lift without an actual facelift! Fillers like Juvederm and Radiesse can firm your face and, when done properly can give you a younger, smoother-looking complexion. But a common question that comes up is how long these fillers last, and if they’re worth the few hundred dollars they cost per visit.

The Fillers

At Dr. Alan Serure’s office in Florida, the following fillers and injections are offered:

  • Restylane
  • Juvederm
  • Juvederm Ultra
  • Radiesse
  • Dysport
  • Perlane

Each of these fillers works in a different way to help erase fine lines and wrinkles. BOTOX injections for example, temporarily paralyze underlying facial tissue to help relax the face and make lines go away, while filler like Radiesse would actually fill in the line temporarily with the liquid in the injection. All of them are safe and FDA-approved for anti-aging cosmetic treatment.


The results from the fillers will last different amounts of time. The times below are based on averages – remember everybody’s skin is different and yours may last longer or shorter.

  • Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane typically last 6-9 months.
  • Radiesse lasts about 12 months.
  • BOTOX and Dysport last 4-6 months

Keep in mind that different treatments work best for different parts of the face depending on your skin. So while Radiesse lasts the longest as filler, it might not be the best option for the types of wrinkles you have. That will be discussed with your doctor in your initial consultation.

Getting it Right

Fillers lasting so long can seem like a great option since, when you break down the cost into what it would cost per month, the price tag isn’t so much! But keep in mind you need a good doctor with great experience to get the look just right. Doctors offering extremely cheap injections may be tempting, but paying a little more for a trained and experienced doctor will save you from walking around with a crooked face for 6 months. Not something you want!


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