Bye Bye Saggy Arms

I overheard two ladies in my waiting room telling stories about how different they looked when they were younger. One of them said: “Remember the time when you raised your arm and nothing wiggled? Now even hailing a cab can be so embarrassing because my arms are also waving for me!” Saggy skin is part of what we get when we age. But that doesn’t mean that you have to just accept what nature has to give. We should age gracefully, they say. But how can you enjoy your prime years when you are self-conscious and unhappy with the way you look?

With the innovations in cosmetic surgery, brachioplasty or arm lifts make it possible to have that youthful contour back and get rid of the excess skin and fat in the arms to reduce the flabbiness and looseness in that area. This can benefit those who have excess skin in the arms because they have lost so much weight, or just those who want a more youthful arm contour. Aside from removing the excess skin, a liposuction may also be done during this procedure if there is any excess fat.

How is the procedure done? At the Alan Serure Plastic Surgery it is standard to make an incision that will run from the elbow up to the underarm. From here I will trim any excess skin and remove any excess fat through liposuction to get a slimmer effect. If there is too much excess skin, there might be a need for me to extend the incision up to the chest area. The entire procedure is done under general anesthesia and since I started my practice here in South Miami, FL, I have had very high success rate and very satisfied patients.

Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Alan Serure and learn more about arm lifts and how it can benefit you. Call us at 305-669-0184 today.

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