Archive | January, 2017

plastic surgery

Will you be a Different Person after Cosmetic Surgery?

There are an infinite number of reasons why people choose to undergo cosmetic surgery. Making changes to your physical appearance can be a powerful experience. The fact is, many people do hear from their friends and loved ones that they are “different” after their procedure. Sometimes, such statements are made even by those who are […]

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cosmetic goals

What’s Your Ideal?

Ideals. We all have them. Did you know that some of the ideals that people have are actually tied to current trends. It’s difficult in this day and age to escape the barrage of messages from the media about what it means to be beautiful. Women, especially, are told what is in and what is […]

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Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Magic: 3 Benefits to Gain

Pregnancy and nursing change everything about a woman. Some of these changes, such as bringing out a nurturing side, are wonderful additions to a loving personality. Some of the changes that women experience from motherhood are not so pleasant. The body doesn’t look like it used to. Sometimes, the new appearance of the body sticks […]

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Breast Reduction

Supporting your Smaller Breasts

Breast size is integral to most women’s sense of femininity and attractiveness. While we are seeing a trend toward smaller breasts, we continue to recognize the value of appropriate shape and volume for each individual. Breast surgeries have been popular since most of us can remember. However, one of the changes that has been noticed […]

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